Richmond Child Pornography Lawyer

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Richmond Child Pornography Attorney

Few charges can cause the kind of irreversible damage that comes with child pornography allegations. The understandable stigma that surrounds such charges can be enough to completely destroy your life as you know it. Being associated with child pornography in any way can land you in severe legal jeopardy. An accusation alone can be enough to permanently harm your reputation. If you are facing such charges, you should reach out to a Richmond, TX child pornography lawyer immediately.

child pornography lawyer in richmond

Child pornography is one of those horrifying charges that you should never leave to chance. You must:

  • Get ahead of the charge as soon as you can.
  • Hire an experienced lawyer to take charge of your defense.
  • Do whatever you can to advocate for your innocence, with your lawyer’s guidance.

There’s a strong chance you will be convicted in the court of public opinion very quickly. A Richmond criminal defense lawyer at Segura & Kiatta can work to get you out of this, but it may not be an easy process.

What Is Child Pornography in Texas?

In Texas, child pornography is defined as the visual depictions of minors under 18 years old engaged in sexual conduct of some kind. This includes pictures, videos, and any other sexually explicit material involving children. Child pornography is highly illegal in every state in the country. It is regarded as one of the most despicable, heinous, and irredeemable crimes you can be convicted of. The last thing you want is to be associated with it.

Regrettably, people do get wrongfully accused of crimes involving child pornography. If somebody is out to get you, there are few ways they could hurt you more than by causing a wrongful charge of child pornography possession. Any crime involving sexual exploitation of children is going to be emotionally charged and difficult to clear your name of. It is imperative to your freedom that you reach out to an experienced defense lawyer as soon as you can.

Possible Defenses Against Child Pornography Charges

It’s important to really understand the seriousness of these charges. If you are convicted of possession of child pornography, you will likely serve many years in prison. You will end up on the sex offender registry, which will hold you back from many life opportunities, including jobs and housing. The most important thing you can do is hire a skilled and knowledgeable defense lawyer to build a strong defense strategy.

Here are some of the possible defenses for sex crime your attorney might claim:

  • It Wasn’t Your Material: The most basic defense you can use is that the material in question did not belong to you at all. You never downloaded it. You never saw it. You have no idea how it ended up in your possession. With the help of a computer forensic professional, you could prove that it was downloaded by somebody else. It may have been planted on your computer to destroy your reputation.
  • It’s Not Pornography: Another defense you might use is that the images and/or videos that were found may not even be pornographic. Certain suggestive images of children have been approved for use in an educational or scientific way. Certain images have been approved by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) and have been made exempt from child pornography laws in some states.
  • Illegal Search and Seizure: Another strong defense you could claim is that your constitutional rights were violated when law enforcement seized the materials in question. If the warrant they used was illegally obtained or police searched your home beyond the scope of the warrant, that may be enough to have the charges against you dropped completely.

Richmond Child Pornography FAQs

Q: Is It Illegal for a Minor to Watch Pornography in Richmond, TX?

A: Yes, it is illegal for a minor to watch pornography in Richmond, TX. The state has numerous laws in place to prevent people under 18 years old from viewing, buying, or selling pornographic materials. To buy or even watch pornography in Texas legally, you have to be over 18 years old, purchase items from a licensed retailer, and only purchase materials featuring consenting adults aged 18 or older.

Q: Is Pornography a Crime in Texas?

A: No, pornography is not a crime in Texas, though the state does have certain restrictions on pornographic material that other states may not have. Texas state law now requires pornographic websites to verify the ages of users with government-issued IDs. You have to be at least 18 years old to buy or view pornography in Texas, and this applies to online content and magazines alike.

Q: When Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Child Pornography Charge?

A: If you are charged with any offense related to child pornography, you need to reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible. If you don’t, there is a strong chance you are going to be vilified in the media, and your reputation is going to be irreparably tarnished very quickly. A good lawyer can do what they can to keep your name out of the public eye and build you a strong defense.

Q: What Is Illegal to View on the Internet?

A: There are many different things that are illegal to view on the internet. However, the internet is such a vast and multi-layered entity that tracing the source of certain illegal videos can be difficult. It is illegal to watch any content depicting the sexual exploitation of children, anything that promotes active terrorism, or anything that is graphically violent and intended to incite further violence. If you come across illegal content on the web, you should report it immediately.

Reach Out to an Experienced Defense Lawyer Today

Charges of child pornography possession can be strong enough to destroy your entire life and turn you into a permanent social pariah. The last thing you want is for unfounded charges to blow up your life and force you into a situation you cannot control. The legal team at Segura & Kiatta can figure out a strong plan for your defense. Contact us to speak to a valued team member about what we can do for your case.

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Segura & Kiatta, Criminal Defense
345 Commerce Green Blvd
Suite 200
Sugar Land, Texas 77478